Prof. Dr. Frank Kirchhoff
Universität des Saarlandes
CIPMM - Center for Integrative Physiology and Molecular Medicine
Kirrberger Straße
66424 Homburg
Phone: +49 6841 1616440
E-Mail: frank.kirchhoff@uks.eu
Prof. Dr. Christine R. Rose
Institut für Neurobiologie
Heinrich Heine Universität Duüseldorf
Universitätsstrasse 1
40225 Düsseldorf, Germany
Phone: +49 211 8113416
E-Mail: rose@uni-duesseldorf.de
The major goal of the SPP 1757 is understanding glia cell specialisation and its role in the brain. In particular we focus on the functional consequences and the mechnisms of glia cell heterogeneity. The research program intentionally limits its scope to the differentiation and cellular heterogeneity of macroglia in order to establish a focused and coherent consortium. Overall the criteria for in- and excluding project are carefully chosen and precisely defined. The topic is crucial for elucidating the developmental biology of the brain and for understanding pathological processes in several important areas of neurology (neuroendocrinology, traumatology and others). The research objectives are very timely, especially the focus on the physiological context was well recieved since this excludes pure cell culture project. When presenting the SPP 1757 the two coordinator could document that the projects are based on a very successful first funding period and focus on clearly structured goals during the second period. Professor Rose and Professor Kirchhoff have built up a well functioning network of research group and successfully demonstrated that the coordinated reseach program is more than the sum of its parts.
Meetings of the SPP 1757: