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Neuroglia, edited by Helmut Kettenmann and Bruce R. Ransom, Third Edition, Oxford University Press 2012
Chapter 28

Ditte Lovatt and Maiken Nedergaard
nedergaard@urmc.rochester.edu   Lovatt@upenn.edu
Center for Translational Neuromedicine
University of Rochester
601 Elmwood Ave, Box 645
Rochester NY 14642

Table 28.S1: GO annotated astrocyte enriched genes (download)

Astrocyte enriched genes were submitted to DAVID http://david.abcc.ncifcrf.gov/ , and GO molecular annotations were extracted. Of the 311 genes, 57 did not retrieve a GO term, and is not included in this list. This astrocyte enriched gene list was produced by the extracting the intersection of astrocyte-enriched genes defined by a fold change ≥ log base 2 and a FDR-corrected p-value ≤ 0.05 among three previously published datasets (Lovatt et al., 2007, Cahoy et al., 2008, Doyle et al., 2008). Astrocyte-enriched genes from Lovatt et al. (2007) was produced by comparing adult cortical GFAP-GFP+/GLT1+ astrocytes to GFAP-GFP–/GLT1– cells (n=3). Astrocyte-enriched genes from Cahoy et al. (2008) was produced by comparing postnatal (P)16-17 fluorescence activated cell sorting- (FACS) and panning-isolated astrocytes (n=5) to P16-17 panning-isolated neurons (n=3). Astrocyte-enriched genes from Doyle et al.(2008) was produced by comparing TRAP affinity-purified mRNA from BAC-transgenic Aldh1l1 mice. From Doyle et al. (2008), each sample (n=4) derived from several 8-10 week old mice, and was compared to unbound affinity-purified samples (n=2). Each of the three datasets was normalized individually using the RMA algorithm in R/Bioconductor. A representative probe chosen for cases where a gene has more than one probeset for the platform. This was done by choosing the probeset with the lowest p-value for that gene. When there was a p-value tie, the probeset with the higher value fold change was chosen.

Lovatt D, Sonnewald U, Waagepetersen HS, Schousboe A, He W, Lin JH, et al. 2007. Th e transcriptome and metabolic gene signature of protoplasmic astrocytes in the adult murine cortex. J Neurosci 27(45):12255–12266.
Cahoy JD, Emery B, Kaushal A, Foo LC, Zamanian JL, Christopherson KS, et al. 2008. A transcriptome database for astrocytes, neurons, and oligodendrocytes: a new resource for understanding brain development and function. J Neurosci 28(1):264–278.
Doyle JP, Dougherty JD, Heiman M, Schmidt EF, Stevens TR, Ma G, et al. 2008. Application of a translational profi ling approach for the comparative analysis of CNS cell types. Cell 135(4):749–762.

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