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SPP 1172: The significance of neuroglia for the formation, function and plasticity of synapses (2004 – 2010)
Professor Dr. Joachim W. Deitmer
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Fachbereich Biologie
Fachgebiet Zoologie/Neurobiologie
Postfach 3049
67653 Kaiserslautern
Phone: +49 631 2052877
E-Mail: deitmer@biologie.uni-kl.de
Deputy: Professor Dr. Christian Steinhäuser
The Priority Programme aims to study the influence of neuroglia in a multidisciplinary approach, from molecular to systemic, on the brains prime functional structure for information processing, the synapse, under physiological conditions and during pathological changes.
The programme is focussed on the following topics:
neuron-glia interactions at neuronal synapses
molecular relationships between synaptic elements, extracellular matrix molecules and glial cell processes
role of glia for the formation, stabilisation and removal of synapses
modulation of synaptic transmission by glia
metabolic nuturing of synapses by glia
significance of glial precursor cells (stem cells) for the formation and function of synapses
Meetings of the SPP 1172:
1st Meeting of the DFG-Priortity Programme 1172 “The role of neuroglia for the formation, function and plasticity of synapses”, Kaiserslautern (October 14 - 16, 2004)
2nd Meeting of the DFG-Priortity Programme 1172 “The role of neuroglia for the formation, function and plasticity of synapses”, Kaiserslautern (September 22 - 24, 2005)
3rd Meeting of the DFG-Priortity Programme 1172 “The role of neuroglia for the formation, function and plasticity of synapses”, Bonn (September 28 - 30, 2006)
4th Meeting of the DFG-Priortity Programme 1172 “The role of neuroglia for the formation, function and plasticity of synapses”, Bad Dürkheim/Pfalz (October 14 - 16, 2007)
5th Meeting of the DFG-Priortity Programme 1172 “The role of neuroglia for the formation, function and plasticity of synapses”, Berlin (September 18 - 20, 2008)
6th Meeting of the DFG-Priortity Programme 1172 “The role of neuroglia for the formation, function and plasticity of synapses”, Frankfurt/M. (October 2 - 3, 2009)
Final Meeting of the DFG-Priortity Programme 1172 “The role of neuroglia for the formation, function and plasticity of synapses”, Kaiserslautern (August 26 - 29, 2010)
Grant applications and reports of the SPP 1172:
Projects of the SPP 1172:
Analysis of single signalling molecules at the synaptic astroglia-neuron interface (project leader Kirchhoff, Frank)
Astrocyte-to-neuron communication: functional relevance for synaptic transmission in the respiratory network? (project leader Hülsmann, Swen)
Communication between cortical neurons and astrocytes by extracellular ATP and glutamate (project leader Illes, Peter)
Die Rolle astroglialer Subtypen bei der Synapsenbildung adult (re)generierter Neurone (project leader Berninger, Benedikt)
Glia-mediated control of extracellular GABA/glutamate balance in the developing cortex (project leader Kirischuk, Sergei)
Glial responses at neuronal synapses and their purinergic modulation (project leader Deitmer, Joachim W.)
Influence of the constitutive, conditional and inducible astroglia-derived tenascin-C ablation on synaptic function (project leader Schachner, Melitta)
Investigating the function of astrocytes during neurotrophin-induced synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity (project leader Dieterich, Daniela C.)
Investigations on the ephrinA/EphA signalling system at the neuroglial interface - focus on synaptic morphology, plasticity and glutamate signalling (project leader Klein, Rüdiger)
Coordination project (project leader Deitmer, Joachim W.)
Modulation of signal transmission in the hippocampus by GluR-type astroglial cells (project leader Seifert, Gerald)
Modulation of synaptic transmission by a novel activity-dependent regulatory mechanism of astrocytic gap junction coupling (project leader Hülsmann, Swen)
Neue transgene Mausmodelle zur Untersuchungder Rolle von Astrozyten bei der Synaptogenese in vivo (project leader Pfrieger, Frank W.)
Neuron-glia interaction at a giant mammalian synapse, the Calyx of Held (project leader Kettenmann, Helmut)
Regulation of Glycine Neurotransmission by the Glial Glycine Transporter 1. (project leader Eulenburg, Volker)
Regulation of synapse formation, plasticity and function by astroglial-derived extracellular matrix - tenascin-C and interacting proteoglycan ligands (project leader Faissner, Andreas)
Role of Müller Glial Cells in Synaptic Development and Functioning of the Mammalian Retina (project leader Reichenbach, Andreas)
Role of the Perisynaptic Extracellular Matrix in Synaptic Plasticity (project leader Gundelfinger, Eckart D.)
Synaptically-induced sodium transients in glial cells (project leader Rose, Christine R.)
Targeting astroglial metabolism in vivo: Consequences for astrocytes, neurons and synapses (project leader Hirrlinger, Ph.D., Johannes)
The role of cells expressing the proteoglycan NG2 in glial-neuronal signalling and synapse formation (project leader Trotter, Ph.D., Jacqueline)
Translation control of glial key players in neuron-glia interactions (project leader Theis, Martin)