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SFB 507: The role of non-neuronal cells in neurological diseases (1995 – 2007)
Professor Dr. Ulrich Dirnagl, since 2/2005
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Klinik für Neurologie (CCM)
Abteilung für Experimentelle Neurologie
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 450-560134
Telefax: +49 30 450-560942
E-Mail: ulrich.dirnagl@charite.de
Professor Dr. Karl M. Einhäupl
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Charité Mitte
Klinik für Neurologie mit Experimenteller Neurologie
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 450570001
Telefax: +49 30 450560932
E-Mail: karl.einhaeupl@charite.de
Meetings of the SFB 507:
Grant applications and reports of the SFB 507:
Projects of the SFB 507:
A1 - Cortical spreading ischemia (project leader Dreier, Jens P.; Einhäupl, Karl M.)
A2 - The impact of astrocytes on brain endothelial cells in hypoxia (project leader Blasig, Ingolf )
A3 - Glia activation - a key mechanism in the damage cascade of bacterial meningitis (project leader Weber, Jörg Reinhold )
A4 - Studies on the cellular and molecular regulatory mechanisms of the endothelial system in the brain (project leader Paul, Martin )
A05 - Mechanisms for recruiting myloid cells in the brain (project leaders Dirnagl, Ulrich; Priller, Josef )
A06 - The role of endothelial NO synthase in cerebral vessel reactivity: modulating the enzyme activity by HMG-CoA reductase inhibition and influencing the development of the stroke volume during cerebral ischemia (project leader Lindauer, Ute )
A7 - The role of microglia in iron metabolism in the brain - damage of iron binding proteins during hypoxic and radical stress (project leader Grune, Tilman )
A09 - Angiogenesis during mild cerebral ischemia (project leader Endres, Matthias )
B1 - Physiological properties of glia tumors (project leader Kettenmann, Helmut )
B3 - Alteration of cell-cell interaction of glial tumor cells in vitro and in vivo after retroviral and liposomal cytokin gene transfer (project leader Reszka, Regina )
B4 - Functional properties and manipulated differentiation of retinoblastoma cells (project leader Grantyn, Rosemarie )
B06 - Cell impairment of the blood-brain barrier. A key mechanism in the damage cascade of bacterial meningitis (project leaders Braun, Johannes Sebastian; Weber, Jörg Reinhold )
B8 - Pain inhibition by migration of opioid containing immune cells into inflamed tissue (project leaders Stein, Christoph; Welte, Martin )
B9 - Thrombin as stimulus und modulator of microglia activation (project leader Hanisch, Uwe-Karsten )
B10 - Molecular characterization of glioma (project leaders von Deimling, Andreas; Wiestler, Otmar Dieter )
B11 - The role of the network on non-neuronal cells in axonal spreading (project leaders Müller-Röver, Sven ; Nitsch, Robert )
B12 - The role of oligodendroglial chemokine receptors in myelination and demyelination - functional in vitro-in vivo correlations (project leaders Brück, Wolfgang; Stangel, Martin )
B14 - Mechanisms of immune cell mediated impairment in chronical inflammation of the central nervous system (project leaders Aktas, Orhan Zipp, Frauke )
B15 - Interactions among inflammatory processes and the peripheral nrevous system: studies on infection risk and prevention in CNS-mediated systemic immune depresseion in the rat model (project leaders Volk, Hans-Dieter; Woiciechowsky, Christian )
B16 - The role of microglia in post-lesion changes in layers of anterograde axonal degeneration (project leader Bechmann, Ingo )
B18 - The proteasom in microglia and astrocytes and its role in infectuous and inflammatory progesses in the CNS (project leaders Dahlmann, Burkhardt ; Kloetzel, Peter Michael )
C1 - The role of glial cells in transneuronal changes after entorhinal lesion (project leader Nitsch, Robert )
C2 - Expression and regulation of apolipoprotein E (APOE) in glia cells after experimental and neuropathological gegeneration (M. Alzheimer) (project leader Ohm, Thomas Georg )
C03 - Functions of glia cells during epileptogenetic processes (project leaders Heinemann, Uwe ; Kann, Oliver )
C4 - Changes in the intracellular calcium concentration, fatty acid, and reactive oxygen species in pathologically altered and normal astrocytes and neurons (project leader Müller, Ph.D., Wolfgang )
C5 - Studies on the communication between neuronal and immune cells using acute and chronical intracerebral-ventricular application of pro- und anti-inflammatory cytokines in animals (project leaders Volk, Hans-Dieter; Woiciechowsky, Christian
C6 - Mikrogliaaktivierung durch geschädigte Neurone: Signalwege oxidativ modifizierter Lipide (project leader Ullrich, Oliver )
C07 - In situ studies on the physiological mechanisms of microglia activation under pathophysiological conditions (project leaders Eder, Claudia; Schilling, Tom )
C8 - Physiological properties of glia tumors (project leader Kettenmann, Helmut )
C9 - Molecular invasion mechanisms of glioma cells (project leader von Deimling, Andreas )
C10 - Communication of microglia cells with astrocytes and neurons (project leader Kettenmann, Helmut )
C12 - The role of blood-brain barrier impairment for cerebral cortex dysfunction (project leader Heinemann, Uwe )
Z - Central administraton project (project leader Einhäupl, Karl M. )
Z2 - Two-photon laser scanning microscope (DPLSM) (project leader Einhäupl, Karl M. )
Quelle: https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/5480983